Are you making predictions like these guys?
A funny thing happens as you spend more and more time at association-related events. You start to feel like you can predict the future.
Business intelligence. The cloud. Member engagement. The Internet of Things. Data protection. Blockchain. Virtual reality. No matter which association-focused event you go to, you’re bound to hear one of those buzz-worthy phrases, right? And let’s face it, you’re probably sick of the buzz.
So how do you know what’ll actually be important to your association?
To answer that all-important question, Protech Associates sent Dan Dotter and Charlie Sapienza to as many meetings and conferences as possible. They’ll join the well-traveled founder of ReviewMyAMS, Teri Carden to discuss their findings.
Throughout their adventures, Dan and Charlie came back with 5 tech trends that they think will guide associations into 2019. (And while these guys represent an association management software company, this webinar will be a far cry from salesey or the AMS conversation!)
What did they learn? You’ll have to attend the 2 p.m. EDT complimentary webinar on Dec. 12 to find out — and earn a sweet little CAE credit while you’re at it.
If you couldn't make it to ASAE’s Annual Meeting or Technology Conference & Exposition, Dan and Charlie’s unique take will give you the insight needed to make informed business decisions leading into 2019. If you were in attendance, take this time to find out what you may have missed or if your priorities for the upcoming year align with theirs.