

The AMS landscape is evolving rapidly. With the ever-changing nature of technology, older comments can sometimes provide a skewed view to the person seeking feedback. Archived reviews are more than 60 months old, and aren't counted towards the average five star ratings or percent recommended.

Enty level AMS in design and function

Customer Service
Does your AMS vendor respond to your organization's requests in a timely and thorough way?
Ease of Use
Membership Size: 
Industry Type: 
Organization Type: 
Trade Membership
Primary Job Function: 
Chief Staff Officer (#1)
Number of Years Using the AMS: 
15-20 years

TCS's AMS solution, titled WebSuite2 is an "all in one" solution with website and AMS integrated.  It is very antiquated in its design and functionality.  Website content updating is limited to newsletter type of updates.  Users cannot add or remove pages, change menus, or page features.  TCS support must do all of that.  Our ability to update our webpages is limited to a wysiwyg newsletter-style single box on the page.   Funcitonality of the member database is two dimensional and not user friendly as well.  Everything requires manual updating.  There is no automation at all.  Not even updating member records when they pay their membership dues invoices online.  

The support staff is very friendly and eager to help when you can get them on the phone.  However their follow through and project management is poor after the call (or if you have to leave a voicemail to begin with) even when customization fees have been approved .