123signup: Not for this decade
Our association has used 123signup for its academic association membership management for almost 10 years now. We use it primarily to update member contact information and process payments for association fees. Although we have access to the event management software, that rarely gets used as we always tend to rely on alternative sources for the actual conferences. 123signup has SUPERB customer service - they always get back to us immediately, service any problems immediately, and suggest alternative options to troubleshoot any issues. If looking for a company that is easy to work with (and you don't mind using the telephone to contact them for immediate cases), then this org is superior. However... the user interface is from the 1990s, the ability to run reports and set up parameters specifically tailored to your own organization is limited, and even the email function itself is cumbersome (it offers html options, but then the system doesn't recognize the coding you fix to send out - we end up pasting something from a MailChimp template into their system) - all are ridiculously unwieldy.