

The AMS landscape is evolving rapidly. With the ever-changing nature of technology, older comments can sometimes provide a skewed view to the person seeking feedback. Archived reviews are more than 60 months old, and aren't counted towards the average five star ratings or percent recommended.

Tendenci. Happy but with some caveats

Customer Service
Does your AMS vendor respond to your organization's requests in a timely and thorough way?
Ease of Use
Membership Size: 
Industry Type: 
Printing / Publications / Media
Organization Type: 
Hybrid, Mostly Trade
Primary Job Function: 
Chief Staff Officer (#1)
Number of Years Using the AMS: 
1-3 years

Due to the type of organization we are it is part of our mandate to use FOSS (Free Open Source Software) whenever possible. During our initial search this quickly limited our choices and we decided to on Tendenci.

Because we are using the Open Source version, this means that we self host and maintain the software. This review only covers the Open Source version, not the hosted version from Tendenci.

The software itself is straightforward and easy enough to use. We've found it reliable and free from major bugs and issues.  

My only complaint is that customization to meet our particular unique needs has been very painful, While we are very tech savvy we are not Python/Django developers and we've found it very difficult to find and engage developers for customization. Tendenci was also not helpful, and while we interfaced with several people at the company found them difficult to engage, with them preferring to push the "hosted" version.