


The AMS landscape is evolving rapidly. With the ever-changing nature of technology, older comments can sometimes provide a skewed view to the person seeking feedback. Archived reviews are more than 60 months old, and aren't counted towards the average five star ratings or percent recommended.

iMIS Omni 7 Review

Customer Service
Does your AMS vendor respond to your organization's requests in a timely and thorough way?
Ease of Use
Primary Job Function: 
Communications, Public Relations, Publications
Number of Years Using the AMS: 
1-3 years
iMIS staff were great about communicating with our staff about the implementation of upgrades and how they might affect us or our members. Each time we did an upgrade, we were told what would be changing, how these changes would make things better overall, and how long we should expect to not be able to use the system temporarily. Also the new iMIS content management allows staff to see an easy-to-understand dashboard of membership statistics in real time and the publishing of webpages is much faster than before.