


The AMS landscape is evolving rapidly. With the ever-changing nature of technology, older comments can sometimes provide a skewed view to the person seeking feedback. Archived reviews are more than 60 months old, and aren't counted towards the average five star ratings or percent recommended.

Member Services/Finance Specialist

Customer Service
Does your AMS vendor respond to your organization's requests in a timely and thorough way?
Ease of Use
Primary Job Function: 
Membership, Customer Service, Data Entry
Number of Years Using the AMS: 
1-3 years
Our company is currently using iMIS 20. We started using it about 2 1/2 years ago. We rely heavily on the automation capabilities iMIS 20 has. We use Task Centre to send out invoices on a nightly basis. We also use the past due automation to send emails to clients that are past due. We take full advantage of having Rise integrated into iMIS and use that as our CMS for our website. And because it is integrated, we also use Webformz so that clients can request certificates of insurance through the website. It has been easy to navigate through different areas. Our reseller, AASG, is always really helpful when we need them and gets to us in a timely manner. It is also very customizable. We are able to add fields that we use in our system.