Old and Nonintuitive
This review is based on the 20-something version of iMIS, not the new iMIS Cloud just rolling out. Currently, we use a curious mix of the old 1991-looking desktop version and the web-based staff site version because you STILL cannot do everything you need to do in the staff site. How awkward is that? The desktop version looks basically the same as it did when I first saw it back in 1991 with a row of tabs at the top and a row of tabs across the lower-middle. There are also rows of additional menu items across the very top and down the side. Where to go to do what you need to do? Take a guess and keep guessing until you find it. Not very intuitive and not easily customizable in the way it's viewed by the user. When they added IQAs vs. the old ad-hoc queries it was a big improvement. The fault with iMIS lies in that they kept adding code on top of their old system rather than working on a new platform to completely replace the old in a timely manner. They've finally caught up with this idea but they're a bit late. We have an iMIS expert on staff in our IT department. If he ever left, I think we'd have to think seriously about moving to something else.