3 Critical Priorities for Association CIOs in 2022

Guest post by Fonteva

Consult any published list of concerns, challenges, and/or priorities for CIOs in 2022, and certain themes emerge quickly and repeatedly. While these may be broken down further into any number of categories and some may even be overlapping, there are three central areas of focus that all association CIOs should be prioritizing today:

1. People

The competition for tech talent...Read more

Could You Honor a Member’s Right to be Forgotten?

Guest post by Helen Anne Richards, CAE

Here are three easy questions about your data security. I know. It’s not the sexiest thing in the world, but it’s really important.

  1. If a member asked you to provide all the personal identification information you have regarding him or her, could you do it?

  2. If a member asked to be “forgotten” in your system, could you accommodate

  3. ...Read more

Novi AMS

We don’t believe in workarounds, we believe that your software should work for you.

Novi AMS is association management software for organizations that use QuickBooks. Born out of the collaboration of association professionals like yourself, we believe that smart technology allows associations to spend less time managing their software and more time managing their strategic goals. Our 24/7, two-way QuickBooks integration saves our customers significant time by eliminating duplicative tasks. Combine that with our member database, email integrations, mobile-friendly websites, events module, e-commerce platform and more – we streamline association functions so that you can amplify the change you make in your industry.

  • Does your AMS vendor respond to your organization's requests in a timely and thorough way?